$1530 for Manitoba’s Front Line Workers
The provincial government’s wage top-up for workers out on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic will be split up between 78,442 Manitobans.
The $120 Million earmarked by the government for the Risk Recognition Program will get divided up evenly among the applicants.
Each person gets an equal share, which works out to $1530. Federal taxes will be withheld on the payout, meaning only $1377 will be deposited in an applicant’s bank account.
The province says most people will see the funds later this week.
About under half of those are receiving a share of the funds are retail or hospitality workers. Just over 27-thousand health care workers also qualify, as do 9325 social workers and 3440 people in the transportation industry.
The province contributed a quarter of the overall price tag, the federal government provided the other $90 million.