Avengers Endgame already breaking records

 In NCI News

Eleven years in; The Avengers Endgame is the twenty second movie, and is the fourth Avengers movie following Infinity war.
With Last years Infinity war breaking 11 box office records; We can definitely expect the same kind of chart topping success from Endgame.

With China getting its premier today, its already reporting a shattering record of pre-sales in the $90 million area, making it the highest opening movie of all time there.
That’s well above last years infinity war record of just $59 million.

Projections in China put Avengers Endgame at a staggering $270 million in its’s five day debut, The same goes for just the United States alone.

Global Projections for opening weekend put this 3 hour movie at a record breaking $800 million.

Current record for highest opening weekend is for $640 Million with Avengers Infinity War.

These prediction based off the fact that the film already sold five times as many tickets as Infinity War.

Heres an illustration of movies in order leading up to this 22nd sequel.



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