Friday Morning Brain Teaser

 In NCI News

Lots of folks said “yesterday, today, tomorrow”. Was that your guess? Was that the answer we were looking for?

Find out if that was the correct answer, and if you won the tix to the 22nd Annual Billy Beal Classic Ice Fishing Derby. 

The question this morning was…..



Plenty of guesses for yesterday, today and tomorrow….and although that is one option, was it the option we were looking for?


nope GIF by Crystal Starr


Congrats to Ardis Crouchene  she got the answer we were looking for.   So what was it????

season 6 GIF

The answer to THE  Friday Morning Brain Teaser is …..


Christmas eve, Christmas day, and  Boxing day…. lol.
Thanks for playing!  ****Jordan Knight xoxo
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