Genius? Or Ridiculous? You Decide.

 In NCI News

Some are great, some are not so great; Buildings shaped like what they sell! 

  • Built in 1930, its intended use was to sell milk, But today’s modernism uses it as an ice cream shop.




  • Built in 1997, this building is no longer busy, and is abandoned and up for sale!
    You can imagine what they might have sold…



  • Still fairly new, built in 2012. These guys don’t sell what their shaped like but they sure get the idea across of what they work with.
    They are the National Fisheries Development Board in Hyderabad, India.




  • Built 1934, complete with knobs and an off/on button in Broken Hill, Australia. It does exactly what it looks like. Broadcasts radio.




  • Built in 1922, It continues to sell exactly what its shaped like, but in liquid form.
    It’s meant to look like an orange….

    Orange juice, but a special blend they called Orange Julep. The building is in Montreal, Canada.


  • Built in California 1976, this building rents and sells the thing its shaped like.

Buildings of this nature are referred to as “ducks”



[IMAGE SOURCE: MentalFloss,RoadSideAmerica,mtlblog,AtlasObscura,ColumbusMonthly,WikiPedia]
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