It`s Hockey, but in Cree!
That title alone just sounds like fun!
APTN just put out the call looking for Cree speakers in the plains dialect or the Y-Dialect.
It’s all part of an initiative to bring Premier Hockey broadcasts to the masses but in the Cree language.
The call was put out just last week, and deadlines for submission are for February 15th.
The job is to Announce Play-by-Play, and add colorful comments on every aspect of the game;basically everything a NHL announcer would do.
If you ever heard a conversation in Cree, you know it sounds exciting and can be compared to a Spanish lady getting mad and just going off in her language.
Cree will definitely fit right in with the fast paced attitude of the game, I for one, am looking forward to such a program. I Imagine, the word SOOGIH will be used a lot which is Cree for fast.
To see full details on what it takes visit:
[IMAGE SOURCE:Wikipedia]