Native Interior designing

 In NCI News, Uncategorized

Inspired by true events! (Nothing like the house with windows for walls..eee ever not shy eh)

Witness before you the inner workings of a “RezHousehold”


We start this list off with one of the first things you see when you walk in 🙂

-A Cardboard box for a welcome mat



That’s unless you ran into one of these.
– A rope to hold the outside door closed. (added security)



Make it through that and you’ll be greeted with some good ol news, stacked on two separate end tables.




They turn down the TV and open up the blinds by tying them with a plastic bag.



Sometimes, it’s better to do it this way though. The good ol’ knot.
The fold works just as well 🙂


Tea & Toast er what? Sorry I didn’t make bannock.



Sits around and drinks tea and Auntie lays some knowledge on ya*****

You take a look around***


Wall décor in the kitchen*


You are full of tea and it’s time to go.
You are told to go through the back door and find this…
A toque keeping the draft out from where the deadbolt should be.


That’s been been a journey through aunties Native interior designing.



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