New Project launched by two spirited staff to build bonds with students at the University of Manitoba

 In NCI News

The two-spirit community has initiated a new project called Queering Indigenization further to build bonds with students at the University of Manitoba.

The program idea was born when students, staff, and faculty shared their concerns about the lack of queer voices in the Indigenization work happening at the University. This program hopes to connect the two-spirit community closer to their culture and identity.

“There will also be some land-based events bringing folks together and really thinking about that land-based work through a queering lens, it’s important work.”, Nicki Ferland, one of the project members, shares.

The community building event was part one of a three-part series on Queering Indigenization. The second part will include land-based events with teachings from two-spirit knowledge keepers Charlotte Nolin and Barbara Bruce. Lastly, this project will end with a two-spirit conference in 2025.

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