The future is here in the form of a fold
The flip phone of the past is re-invented as a fold phone and it is mind-blowing!
Samsung’s live event dubbed “unpacked” unveiled the latest technology coming out later this year.
The most note-worthy being the state of the art Samsung Galaxy Fold. This latest luxury smartphone opens up to the size of your average tablet, but when folded is fully functional.
The Samsung Galaxy Fold features six cameras. Three on the rear, one on the front and three on the interior of the fold so you can snap a picture no matter which way you hold it.
It will have 512 gbs of memory, with a universal flash storage slot allowing it to read data even faster on the fly.
Whats most impressive is the app continuity; using the map app on the regular small front screen like you would on your regular phone than opening the fold for the app to open on that side instantaneously.
What is deflating about it is that it features no headphone jack. This comes after Samsung previously mocking Apple for that idea.
As it is a luxury device, it will set you back $1980 when it releases on April 26th.