Wednesday Morning Brain Teaser….

 In NCI News

Some folks got this morning’s brain teaser correct, were you one of them? Find out the answer and see if you’re our winner for the Billy Beal Classic Ice Fishing Derby tickets.

First off, there’s a lot of money in fishing, in case you didn’t know.  The Billy Beal Classic has a 1st place prize of 10,000. So, if you win the tickets, you’re one step closer to that $10,000.



Who’s the winner and what’s the answer?  Let’s start with the question….

Which word does not belong in the following list:
Stop cop mop chop prop shop or crop?



If you guessed chop…you may be crying


cause that’s not the right answer.


What about mop?


You could use it to mop up those tears, cause that’s not right either.




Let’s just STOP right here….


The answer is OR…

idiot facepalm GIF


Let’s review……

Which word does not belong in the following list:
Stop cop mop chop prop shop or crop?


oh no facepalm GIF


That’s right….

pop tv yes GIF by Schitt's Creek


Did you get it right?  So who was the winner?

CONGRATS TO….Sheena Lynn! She was our random winner from all the correct answers.


Thanks for playing!!!! ***Jordan Knight xoxo



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